Solar. Wind. Hydro.

Renewable energy for a better world

Why choose SOLARIS

6 000 +


123 MWp

Total Power Output

16 years

In Your Service

200+ pros

To Work With You

Solutions for Home

Home Powered
By Solar Energy

We provide a range of sustainable solutions for homeowners such as solar panel installations, energy storage systems, and energy efficiency services to promote renewable energy usage and reduce environmental impact.

Solutions for Business

Business Turned

We offer comprehensive renewable energy solutions for businesses, including the installation of commercial-scale solar systems, energy management services, and customized sustainability strategies to help businesses reduce their carbon footprint and lower energy costs.

Large Scale Solutions

Green Power

We also specialize in providing large-scale renewable energy solutions, including utility-scale solar power plants, wind farms, and integrated energy management systems, to meet the growing demand for clean and sustainable energy on a broader scale.


Switch to Solar Through Financing

By offering financing options, switching to solar power becomes more accessible and affordable for individuals and businesses, enabling them to enjoy the benefits of renewable energy without the upfront costs.

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